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Verb conjugation is indicated by giving the 1st and 2nd person sg. For example, the locative singular of ocet, occie, is listed, with a reference to ocet, because, even though the form is regular, its visual appearance makes the word difficult to decipher. Regularly derivable forms are not listed separately unless a regularly predictable form is nevertheless apt to cause confusion. The user is expected to have a basic command of Polish declension and conjugation. These two forms are also listed separately, with reference to wysoki. For example, under wysoki high, one will find the comparative adjective wy˝szy and the comparative adverb wy˝ej. If a form is radically different in alphabetical order from the base word, it will be listed separately and given a cross-reference. For example, adverbial and comparative forms of adjectives are listed after the adjective, regardless of alphabetical considerations. Derived forms considered to belong to the same lexical item are given next, regardless of alphabetical order. DICTIONARY ENTRIES Within a word-entry, the basic form of the word is given first.

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Corrections and suggestions for improvement and new entries should be e-mailed to the author at. The author is aware of its many imperfections and incompletenesses, which are being improved by constant updating and proof-reading. This dictionary is printed in its present form for use in intermediate and advanced Polish classes at the Univeristy of Pittsburgh. Grammatical indicators refer to descriptions in the author's Grammar of Contemporary Polish (Slavica: 2002), to which the user is referred for descriptions of grammatical inflections and usage. The technical apparatus is kept to a minimum and should be mostly self-evident. Regular and predictable endings and formations are not given. It is expected that the user will be familiar with the principles of Polish inflection. Most terms related to the social sciences and the humanities are included. It does not attempt to cover technical or scientific terms, or the names of uncommon plants and animals. It is intended primarily for the use of the English-speaking reader of Polish, interested in arriving at the central or commonest meaning of a word, not in an exhaustive set of usages and definitions. INTRODUCTION A Learner's Polish-English Dictionary contains over 27,000 entries. THEN USE EITHER THE ADOBE BINOCULAR ICON OR THE SCROLL BAR TO SEARCH FOR THE INDIVIDUAL WORD IF YOU WOULD LIKE A HARD COPY OF THIS DICTIONARY (340 PP.), CONTACT THE AUTHOR AT SwanįIRST PRELIMINARY EDITION CD AND WEB VERSION USE BOOKMARKS TO FIND THE FIRST LETTER.

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